100 Great Portuguese Wines

100 Great Portuguese Wines

Editorial Design & Photography

100 Great Portuguese Wines
100 Great Portuguese Wines
The edition 100 Great Portuguese Wines - selection of the journalist and wine critic Maria João de Almeida, was a long and demanding project, which over 8 months, involved the agency's Design and Photography team.Literally immersed in the creative spirit, photo by photo, the editing came to life and as a result a work of art was born.The overall mood was created manually with wood, painting techniques and also a good dose of creativity, allowing us to obtain a neutral but balanced mood, which together with lighting techniques and aesthetic sensibility, resulted in unique images.
  • Branding
  • Branding
  • Branding
  • Branding
  • Branding
  • Branding
The edition 100 Great Portuguese Wines - selection of the journalist and wine critic Maria João de Almeida, was a long and demanding project, which over 8 months, involved the agency's Design and Photography team.

Literally immersed in the creative spirit, photo by photo, the editing came to life and as a result a work of art was born.

Behind the scenes, chaos settled in the studio with the construction of the photographic mood, for which two pieces of wood were created, covered with bituminous masses and painted with wall paint.
The base to support the bottles and objects, built in "VIROC" handcrafted with an improbable mixture: Soil, Red Wine and Coffee, made possible to create a unique abstract chromatic palette.

The final composition of the images reflects unique moments, unrepeatable fractions of a second, which were carefully created taking into account the visual balance of the objects, with detailed and contrasting lighting that allowed the bottle to come to life and shine.
The images created have a highly relevant technical detail, they don´t have 1% of intervention in post-production, becoming a faithful reproduction of the shot selected.

We truly created 100 unique works of art!

No less important was the gigantic task of finding the appropriate objects for each image, in order to consolidate the storytelling of each wine and producer, because nothing was left to chance and each piece has its meaning directly related to the brand's history.
In fact, all of the project required visits to antique stores, support from producers, visits to antique street markets, research and shopping on OLX, and even support from friends and agency members.

The Editorial and Creative Design culminated in a minimalist layout to focus on photography. The cover of the book, developed with M&A CREATIVE AGENCY imprint is a disruptive, always fulfilling the maxim "Less is More", 4mm French oak wood board with a metallic plate in bronze, where the title with the edition number and, of course, the name of the author was engraved.

Special thanks to @mariajoaodealemida and publisher ZestBooks, for the challenge and opportunity to show other aspects of M&A CREATIVE AGENCY wide range of services.

(R)2021.M&A CREATIVE AGENCY. Copying, altering, reproducing, displaying, broadcasting, distributing, transmitting or using these photos, in any form or for any purpose, without the prior express authorization of M&A CREATIVE AGENCY, as the author of the content that is intellectual property, is expressly prohibited.


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